How Blogs Work, what do I need to get started? Software/Hosting.?

A frequently-asked query:

I am new to this whole blogging this. I know there are software out there like Blogger, Typepas and WordPress. I am essentially looking to create a blog that is very simplistic, something that resembles engadget I guess.
SO my question is what software is the best, I dont mind paying for it if its worth it. But since blogger is free, how good is it? Also Does blogger offer hosting, how does that work. Thanks

Answer: We hear this question often. It is recommended that you try Justhost. If you are building your first website and needs a hosting service, we highly recommend you go with Justhost. You should also read this Justhost review to see what we mean. Justhost gives free domain name, unlimited bandwidth, more-than-enough storage, multiple add-on domains, friendly Sitebuilder, cPanel, Fantastico and much more for so cheap. You can subscribe with Justhost for only $4.45/month (via coupon below).

At Justhost, you can use Fantastico to autoinstall applications such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, phpBB, ZenCart and many more.

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  1. krishbhavara
    Jul 28th, 2011 at 13:06 | #1

    You can start getting accustomed to what all you can do with blogging by using the free blog services … like blogger and once you get accustomed…. you would have a number of options like having your custom url, hosting a blog on your own web site..etc

    Please read through these pages

  2. Jim F
    Jul 28th, 2011 at 12:51 | #2

    WordPress is free too, and I think overall they offer better templates for people to customize their sites than blogger. You can also get free hosting accounts at

  3. violettorose
    Jul 28th, 2011 at 15:12 | #3

    Personally, I like MyOpera blog ( It is simple and practical. It does not provide only a space for your blog, but also for your photos and a lot more features not found in other blogsites. It is free to use. Usually, blogsites do not offer hosting, and you wont need one either. Enjoy! 🙂

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