how to add best and useful plugins in wordpress blog ?

A frequently-asked query:

i’ve a wordpress site, which i’ve hosted on .net domain, can anybody tell me how to add more plugins in my website,, here it is.

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  1. talus30
    Jun 15th, 2011 at 05:06 | #1

    There are any number of articles out there listing "The Top X plugins for…" and there’s a lot of common ones that show up. I’d start by searching for those articles and making a list (2 or more) of the ones you want to use or try.

    Then, assuming you have a newer version of WordPress, in the admin login, on the left side, there’s a plugins section. Clicking Add New from there will let you search the WordPress plugin site and auto-install them.

    The alternative is to manually download them from the WordPress plugin site and then use an FTP program to upload them.

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